Chinese New Year

2014 is the Year of Horse


The year 2014 is considered as the Year of the Horse as per the Chinese Zodiac Calendar which begins on January 31, 2014, and ends on February 18, 2015. 2014 according to Chinese Astrology Calendar. it is the Year of Wood Horse.  Wood is related to tree or green, so it is also called Year of Green Horse. The Chinese zodiac calendar comprises 12 animal signs and horse is the seventh among all of them. In Chinese culture, the Horse is a symbol of nobility, class, speed and perseverance.  People born in the Year of the Horse are smart, fabulous speakers who have a gift for getting through to other people. People bearing the horse sign strive towards seeking freedom and happiness. In general, 2014 would be a better year for those people who were born under The Year of the Horse.

Were you born in a horse year?

(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

People born in the year of the horse are extremely animated, active and energetic. Horses love to be in a crowd and like entertainment, they have a deft sense of humor, they love to take center stage and delight audiences everywhere. They are trustworthy, friendly and like to be surrounded by their relatives and friends. They usually have a large circle of acquaintances, but they never rely on their friends too much. Sometimes, the horse is a little self-centered, but it doesn't mean that he will not be interested in any problems except his own. However, a horse person is really more cunning than intelligent, that is probably due to the fact that most horse people lack confidence. Sometimes, they are very independent and rarely listen to advice


The horse people are generally energetic, noble, free spirited and clever. They have ingenious communicating techniques and in their community they always want to be in the limelight, so they have good friends and are well liked by many people. Although they sometimes talk too much, they are cheerful, perceptive, talented, earthy but stubborn. They are able to come up with new ideas and active at work and refuse to be reconciled to failure, although their endeavor cannot last indefinitely. The Horse person is a sociable likeable person most of the time, they can take advantage of this by getting everybody to work together to achieve goals.


The Horse person is patient up to a point, but they can be hot tempered. If you pushed too far, the Horse person can lose their temper. They cannot bear too much constraint. They then lash out (just like a horse) at others which can undo the good relationships they have built up with their good social skills. They can also be stubborn just like a horse. They are wasteful since they are not good with matters of finance due to a lack of budgetary efficiency. The Horse person has many followers but they are not always receptive to other points of view. They tend to interfere in many things and frequently fail to finish projects of their own.

What does the Year of the Horse mean for others?

Rat: The sun shines again after the bad year. For the rat, the year of the horse is a year of success, which will run at full gallop.

Ox: The year of the horse will be a good year for the ox. Will achieve much success and successfully completed their projects.

Tiger: The year of the horse will be a year full of successes and failures.In the first six months must take into account the tiger had many failures and few successes. The next six months will be better. But here too the tiger has to suffer some setbacks among the successes.

Rabbit: The Rabbit is likely to be overwhelmed by the hoofs of the horse. Sporting elite and warriors win this year, since they can download on the opponent their negative energy. But employees, state officials, workers, artisans may have a tough year ahead of them, because the negative energies are hindering in the workplace.

Dragon: The year of the horse is a good to very good year for the dragon. There should be no major problems. The first half of the year is satisfactory and you can be satisfied with the result. Even the second half of the year continues as normal.

Snake: The snake is very successful in this Horse year. You must want to look for a failure. For the snake, it is one of the best years. January is a month still quiet, for the snake, but towards the middle of the year comes a success after success. The 2nd half of the year starts very well. But this year was too good and the envious are stationed around the corner.

Horse: Its own year is challenging for the horse. The race obstacles must be well prepared. Otherwise, the horse is unable to overcome too many obstacles. This among other things is the last of the years still acceptable for the horse. Because then followed by 3 bad years.

Goat: For the goat the year of the horse is a very good year. The first problems arise only at the end of the year. Beware the winter. For this reason, the goat would have to conclude, during the autumn, all his plans and intentions. Then you should look for a quiet place.

Monkey: The year of the horse is a good year up to very good for Monley. The monkey will have much activity and achievements.

Rooster: The Rooster will not have much activity. It will be a boring year without much success. It can be considered a year of calm and mean.

Dog: The year of the horse will be a year which is more seriously for the dog. During this year, the dog will not be very active, but what starts it will succeed.

Pig: The year of the horse is the biggest success and the most perfect. This year will fall manna from heaven. Playing a little 'to the lot would not be bad.